
The Uchida Lab is a new research group launched at Tokyo Tech in September 2020. We pursue physics of quantum transport in extremely high-quality epitaxial thin films and artificial heterostructures, by adopting molecular beam epitaxy techniques to topological and correlated materials. We are actively recruting group members - if you are interested, please see the RESEARCH page and email to Uchida. We welcome enthusiastic students and postdocs who will work together to open up the frontier of condensed matter physics. We are also looking forward to proposals for collaorative research.


JULY. 8, 2024

Our work revealing magnetic structure in a film of EuCd2⁢Sb2has been just published in Physical Review B. This is collaboration mainly with Rønnow group at EPFL and Flebus group at Boston College.

June. 29, 2024

We went on a trip to Karuizawa with laboratory members.

Apr. 24, 2024

Masaki Uchida gave an invited talk in 2024 MRS Spring Meeting.

Apr. 1, 2024

Ayano Nakamura has entered doctoral degree program, and Yoshiya Murakami and Tadashi Yoneda have entered master's degree program. Aki Aizawa , Haruto Kaminakamura and Yuki Deguchi have joined as an undergraduate student. Tor Ljungberger has also joined our group as a YSEP International Exchange Student.

Mar. 26, 2024

Ren Oshima, Ayano Nakamura, and Yuto Watanabe have received a master's degree. Yoshiya Murakami and Tadashi Yoneda have received a bachelor's degree.

Mar. 25, 2024

Ren Oshima's work has been just published in Physical Review B. This paper demonstrates that a ferromagnetic ground state appears in Sr3Ru2O7 films with large epitaxial strain.

Mar. 14, 2024

Ayano Nakamura's work has been just published in Physical Review B. This paper demonstrates that the Berry curvature effects in a magnetic Weyl semimetal appear also as negative magnetoconductivity.

Mar. 5, 2024

Masaki Uchida was selected to receive the Special Award for Tokyo Tech Advanced Researchers【STAR】.

Feb. 22, 2024

Ayano Nakamura was awarded R5 Best Master's Thesis Award in the Deparment of Physics. Congratulations!

Feb. 21, 2024

Ayano Nakamura, Ren Oshima, Yuta Matsuki, and Shinichi Nishihaya presented in the poster session in CEMS Symposium on Emergent Quantum Materials 2024.

Feb. 1, 2024

Our commentary explaining film growth and quantum Hall states on Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 has been just published in Oyo Buturi.

Jan. 26, 2024

Our work revealing bulk and edge states in Weyl-orbit quantum Hall effect has been just published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.



  • Mailing Address

    South Bldg. 5 #107A
    Ookayama 2-12-1, Meguro-ku,
    Tokyo 152-8551, JAPAN

  • Email

    m.uchida [* at _ mark *] phys.titech.ac.jp

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